Listening on Loading required package: bfabricShiny Attaching package: 'bfabricShiny' The following object is masked from 'package:base': save Loading required package: PKI Loading required package: base64enc saving 'login and webservicepassword' ... read bfabricposturl Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning: Error in 'by' must specify a uniquely valid column 105: stop 104: 103: 101: deriveAminoAcidFrequence 100: aaa:::getOutputTable 99: FUN [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/aaa/shiny/aminoAcidAnalysis/server.R#160] 98: lapply 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/aaa/shiny/aminoAcidAnalysis/server.R#115] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$outputKable 1: runApp Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning: Error in format.default: argument "x" is missing, with no default 90: format.default 86: format_args 85: to_character 83: kableExtra::kable 81: output$outputKable1 [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/aaa/shiny/aminoAcidAnalysis/server.R#142] 1: runApp Warning: Error in 'by' must specify a uniquely valid column 105: stop 104: 103: 101: deriveAminoAcidFrequence 100: aaa:::getOutputTable 99: FUN [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/aaa/shiny/aminoAcidAnalysis/server.R#160] 98: lapply 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/aaa/shiny/aminoAcidAnalysis/server.R#115] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$outputKable 1: runApp Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user.