Listening on Loading required package: bfabricShiny Attaching package: 'bfabricShiny' The following object is masked from 'package:base': save Loading required package: protViz Loading required package: rawDiag Loading required package: parallel Loading required package: tidyr Loading required package: rmarkdown Loading required package: base64enc Loading required package: ggplot2 Loading required package: lattice Loading required package: PKI already uploaded to bfabric /scratch/cpanse/ saving 'login and webservicepassword' ... output$employee <- renderUI({ read bfabricposturl http://localhost:5000/. Warning in .read(login = login, webservicepassword = webservicepassword, : query failed. bfabricConnectionWorking FALSE output$employee <- renderUI({ Warning in .read(login = login, webservicepassword = webservicepassword, : query failed. bfabricConnectionWorking FALSE output$employee <- renderUI({ bfabricConnectionWorking TRUE 'empdegree' found. saving 'login and webservicepassword' ... Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "project", isolate(input$project), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "project", isolate(input$project), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "project", isolate(input$project), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31277/Proteomics/EXPLORIS_2/analytic_20230329/20230329_C31277_006_S487886_MFM-X227-4_HA-IP.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31277/Proteomics/EXPLORIS_2/analytic_20230329/20230329_C31277_008_S487888_MFM-X227-6_HA-IP.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31277/Proteomics/EXPLORIS_2/analytic_20230329/20230329_C31277_007_S487887_MFM-X227-5_HA-IP.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31277/Proteomics/EXPLORIS_2/analytic_20230329/20230329_C31277_004_S487885_MFM-X227-3_Control.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31277/Proteomics/EXPLORIS_2/analytic_20230329/20230329_C31277_002_S487883_MFM-X227-1_Control.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31277/Proteomics/EXPLORIS_2/analytic_20230329/20230329_C31277_003_S487884_MFM-X227-2_Control.raw qc ... missing column name(s): LMCorrection, ElapsedScanTimesec, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber missing column name(s): LMCorrection, ElapsedScanTimesec, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber renamed LMmZCorrectionppm to LMCorrection renamed LMmZCorrectionppm to LMCorrection renamed AGCPSMode to PrescanMode missing column name(s): LMCorrection, ElapsedScanTimesec, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber renamed AGCPSMode to PrescanMode missing column name(s): LMCorrection, ElapsedScanTimesec, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber renamed LMmZCorrectionppm to LMCorrection renamed AGCPSMode to PrescanMode renamed LMmZCorrectionppm to LMCorrection renamed AGCPSMode to PrescanMode missing column name(s): LMCorrection, ElapsedScanTimesec, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber renamed LMmZCorrectionppm to LMCorrection renamed AGCPSMode to PrescanMode missing column name(s): LMCorrection, ElapsedScanTimesec, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber renamed LMmZCorrectionppm to LMCorrection renamed AGCPSMode to PrescanMode DEBUG login: tobiasko posturl: http://localhost:5000/ Warning: Removed 29 rows containing missing values (`geom_line()`). Warning: Removed 29 rows containing missing values (`geom_line()`). DEBUG login: tobiasko posturl: http://localhost:5000/ `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x' `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x' DEBUG login: tobiasko posturl: http://localhost:5000/ Warning: Removed 1 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_smooth()`). Warning: Removed 1 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_smooth()`). DEBUG login: tobiasko posturl: http://localhost:5000/ DEBUG login: tobiasko posturl: http://localhost:5000/ DEBUG login: tobiasko posturl: http://localhost:5000/ DEBUG queryMass Warning: 'readXICs' is deprecated. Use 'rawrr::readChromatogram' instead. See help("Deprecated") Warning: 'readXICs' is deprecated. Use 'rawrr::readChromatogram' instead. See help("Deprecated") Warning: 'readXICs' is deprecated. Use 'rawrr::readChromatogram' instead. See help("Deprecated") Warning: 'readXICs' is deprecated. Use 'rawrr::readChromatogram' instead. See help("Deprecated") Warning: 'readXICs' is deprecated. Use 'rawrr::readChromatogram' instead. See help("Deprecated") Warning: 'readXICs' is deprecated. Use 'rawrr::readChromatogram' instead. See help("Deprecated") Warning: `aes_string()` was deprecated in ggplot2 3.0.0. ℹ Please use tidy evaluation ideoms with `aes()` Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0. ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead. DEBUG login: tobiasko posturl: http://localhost:5000/ DEBUG renderPlot plotQCs Warning: Error in +: non-numeric argument to binary operator 1: runApp DEBUG login: tobiasko posturl: http://localhost:5000/ Execution halted