Listening on Loading required package: bfabricShiny Attaching package: 'bfabricShiny' The following object is masked from 'package:base': save Loading required package: protViz Loading required package: rawDiag Loading required package: parallel Loading required package: tidyr Loading required package: rmarkdown Loading required package: base64enc Loading required package: ggplot2 Loading required package: lattice Loading required package: PKI #rows are 0 /scratch/cpanse/ #rows are 0 /scratch/cpanse/ saving 'login and webservicepassword' ... output$employee <- renderUI({ read bfabricposturl Warning in .read(login = login, webservicepassword = webservicepassword, : query failed. bfabricConnectionWorking FALSE output$employee <- renderUI({ Warning: Error in .read: B-Fabric errorreport: Invalid login or password. Could not login. 163: stop 162: .read 161: bfabricShiny::readPages 160: eventReactiveValueFunc 116: bfabricConnectionWorking 114: 98: empdegree 97: renderUI 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$bfabric8-employee 1: runApp Warning: Error in .read: B-Fabric errorreport: Invalid login or password. Could not login. 163: stop 162: .read 161: bfabricShiny::readPages 160: eventReactiveValueFunc 116: bfabricConnectionWorking 114: 98: empdegree 97: renderUI 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$bfabric8-employee 1: runApp Warning: Error in .read: B-Fabric errorreport: Invalid login or password. Could not login. 163: stop 162: .read 161: bfabricShiny::readPages 160: eventReactiveValueFunc 116: bfabricConnectionWorking 114: 98: empdegree 97: renderUI 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$bfabric8-employee 1: runApp Warning: Error in .read: B-Fabric errorreport: Invalid login or password. Could not login. 163: stop 162: .read 161: bfabricShiny::readPages 160: eventReactiveValueFunc 116: bfabricConnectionWorking 114: 98: empdegree 97: renderUI 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$bfabric8-employee 1: runApp output$employee <- renderUI({ Warning in .read(login = login, webservicepassword = webservicepassword, : query failed. bfabricConnectionWorking FALSE saving 'login and webservicepassword' ... output$employee <- renderUI({ read bfabricposturl Warning in .read(login = login, webservicepassword = webservicepassword, : query failed. bfabricConnectionWorking FALSE Warning in .read(login = login, webservicepassword = webservicepassword, : query failed. bfabricConnectionWorking FALSE output$employee <- renderUI({ bfabricConnectionWorking TRUE 'empdegree' found. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "project", isolate(input$project), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "project", isolate(input$project), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "project", isolate(input$project), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "project", isolate(input$project), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning: The select input "bfabric8-workunit" contains a large number of options; consider using server-side selectize for massively improved performance. See the Details section of the ?selectizeInput help topic. executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31329/Proteomics/QEXACTIVEHF_2/riederm_20230404_block_course/20230404_014_S491581_Ubv15_me_1_Group_4.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31329/Proteomics/QEXACTIVEHF_2/riederm_20230404_block_course/20230404_013_S491593_Ubv15_me_2_Group_4.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31329/Proteomics/QEXACTIVEHF_2/riederm_20230404_block_course/20230404_012_S491594_Ubv15_alk_2_Group_5.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31329/Proteomics/QEXACTIVEHF_2/riederm_20230404_block_course/20230404_010_S491582_Ubv15_alk_1_Group_5.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31329/Proteomics/QEXACTIVEHF_2/riederm_20230404_block_course/20230404_002_S491591_Ubv21_alk_2_Group_2.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31329/Proteomics/QEXACTIVEHF_2/riederm_20230404_block_course/20230404_004_S491580_Ubv21_cl_1_Group_3.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31329/Proteomics/QEXACTIVEHF_2/riederm_20230404_block_course/20230404_006_S491590_Ubv21_me_2_Group_1.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31329/Proteomics/QEXACTIVEHF_2/riederm_20230404_block_course/20230404_009_S491583_Ubv15_cl_1_Group_6.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31329/Proteomics/QEXACTIVEHF_2/riederm_20230404_block_course/20230404_007_S491579_Ubv21_alk_1_Group_2.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31329/Proteomics/QEXACTIVEHF_2/riederm_20230404_block_course/20230404_003_S491592_Ubv21_cl_2_Group_3.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31329/Proteomics/QEXACTIVEHF_2/riederm_20230404_block_course/20230404_011_S491595_Ubv15_cl_2_Group_6.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31329/Proteomics/QEXACTIVEHF_2/riederm_20230404_block_course/20230404_005_S489663_Ubv21_me_1_Group_1.raw qc ... missing column name(s): MasterScanNumber, LMCorrection, ElapsedScanTimesec, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode MasterScanNumber calculated renamed LMmZCorrectionppm to LMCorrection renamed AGCPSMode to PrescanMode missing column name(s): MasterScanNumber, LMCorrection, ElapsedScanTimesec, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode MasterScanNumber calculated renamed LMmZCorrectionppm to LMCorrection renamed AGCPSMode to PrescanMode missing column name(s): MasterScanNumber, LMCorrection, ElapsedScanTimesec, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode MasterScanNumber calculated missing column name(s): MasterScanNumber, LMCorrection, ElapsedScanTimesec, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode MasterScanNumber calculated renamed LMmZCorrectionppm to LMCorrection renamed AGCPSMode to PrescanMode renamed LMmZCorrectionppm to LMCorrection missing column name(s): MasterScanNumber, LMCorrection, ElapsedScanTimesec, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode MasterScanNumber calculated renamed AGCPSMode to PrescanMode renamed LMmZCorrectionppm to LMCorrection renamed AGCPSMode to PrescanMode missing column name(s): MasterScanNumber, LMCorrection, ElapsedScanTimesec, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode MasterScanNumber calculated renamed LMmZCorrectionppm to LMCorrection renamed AGCPSMode to PrescanMode missing column name(s): MasterScanNumber, LMCorrection, ElapsedScanTimesec, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode MasterScanNumber calculated missing column name(s): MasterScanNumber, LMCorrection, ElapsedScanTimesec, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode MasterScanNumber calculated renamed LMmZCorrectionppm to LMCorrection renamed AGCPSMode to PrescanMode renamed LMmZCorrectionppm to LMCorrection renamed AGCPSMode to PrescanMode missing column name(s): MasterScanNumber, LMCorrection, ElapsedScanTimesec, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode MasterScanNumber calculated missing column name(s): MasterScanNumber, LMCorrection, ElapsedScanTimesec, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode MasterScanNumber calculated renamed LMmZCorrectionppm to LMCorrection missing column name(s): MasterScanNumber, LMCorrection, ElapsedScanTimesec, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode MasterScanNumber calculated renamed AGCPSMode to PrescanMode renamed LMmZCorrectionppm to LMCorrection renamed AGCPSMode to PrescanMode renamed LMmZCorrectionppm to LMCorrection renamed AGCPSMode to PrescanMode missing column name(s): MasterScanNumber, LMCorrection, ElapsedScanTimesec, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode MasterScanNumber calculated renamed LMmZCorrectionppm to LMCorrection renamed AGCPSMode to PrescanMode #rows are 356381 output$tic.basepeak <- renderPlot({ #rows are 356381 output$download 2... Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "project", isolate(input$project), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. output$tic.basepeak <- renderPlot({ #rows are 356381 output$download 2... ggsave to file /tmp/RtmpIalEtE/rawDiag-6b3881520fce.pdf generated pdf /tmp/RtmpIalEtE/rawDiag-6b3881520fce.pdf bfabricShiny::uploadResource ... The current plot is available as workunit 287741 #rows are 356381 output$download 1... Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "project", isolate(input$project), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. output$scan.frequency <- renderPlot Warning: Removed 29 rows containing missing values (`geom_line()`). #rows are 356381 output$download 2... ggsave to file /tmp/RtmpIalEtE/rawDiag-6b3884e5c8f3.pdf Warning: Removed 29 rows containing missing values (`geom_line()`). generated pdf /tmp/RtmpIalEtE/rawDiag-6b3884e5c8f3.pdf bfabricShiny::uploadResource ... The current plot is available as workunit 287742 #rows are 356381 output$download 1... `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x' #rows are 356381 output$download 2... ggsave to file /tmp/RtmpIalEtE/rawDiag-6b3887bcadad8.pdf `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x' generated pdf /tmp/RtmpIalEtE/rawDiag-6b3887bcadad8.pdf bfabricShiny::uploadResource ... The current plot is available as workunit 287743 #rows are 356381 output$download 1... #rows are 356381 output$download 2... ggsave to file /tmp/RtmpIalEtE/rawDiag-6b3881af19dfa.pdf generated pdf /tmp/RtmpIalEtE/rawDiag-6b3881af19dfa.pdf bfabricShiny::uploadResource ... The current plot is available as workunit 287744 #rows are 356381 output$download 1... #rows are 356381 output$download 2... ggsave to file /tmp/RtmpIalEtE/rawDiag-6b3881e4dd922.pdf generated pdf /tmp/RtmpIalEtE/rawDiag-6b3881e4dd922.pdf bfabricShiny::uploadResource ... The current plot is available as workunit 287745 #rows are 356381 output$download 1... Execution halted