Listening on Loading required package: bfabricShiny Attaching package: 'bfabricShiny' The following object is masked from 'package:base': save Loading required package: protViz Loading required package: rawDiag Loading required package: parallel Loading required package: tidyr Loading required package: rmarkdown Loading required package: base64enc Loading required package: ggplot2 Loading required package: lattice Loading required package: PKI #rows are 0 /scratch/cpanse/ saving 'login and webservicepassword' ... output$employee <- renderUI({ read bfabricposturl Warning in .read(login = login, webservicepassword = webservicepassword, : query failed. bfabricConnectionWorking FALSE output$employee <- renderUI({ Warning in .read(login = login, webservicepassword = webservicepassword, : query failed. bfabricConnectionWorking FALSE output$employee <- renderUI({ bfabricConnectionWorking TRUE 'empdegree' found. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "project", isolate(input$project), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "project", isolate(input$project), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "project", isolate(input$project), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "project", isolate(input$project), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31378/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20230405/20230405_C31378_007_S491950_InterTest3_05.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31378/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20230405/20230405_C31378_016_S491957_InterTest3_12.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31378/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20230405/20230405_C31378_008_S491951_InterTest3_06.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31378/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20230405/20230405_C31378_014_S491955_InterTest3_10.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31378/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20230405/20230405_C31378_015_S491956_InterTest3_11.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31378/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20230405/20230405_C31378_017_S491958_InterTest3_13.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31378/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20230405/20230405_C31378_012_S491954_InterTest3_09.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31378/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20230405/20230405_C31378_004_S491948_InterTest3_03.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31378/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20230405/20230405_C31378_003_S491947_InterTest3_02.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31378/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20230405/20230405_C31378_006_S491949_InterTest3_04.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31378/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20230405/20230405_C31378_010_S491952_InterTest3_07.raw qc ... executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31378/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20230405/20230405_C31378_011_S491953_InterTest3_08.raw qc ... missing column name(s): FTResolution, LMCorrection, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber renamed LMCorrectionppm to LMCorrection copied AGC to AGCMode calculated PrescanMode values missing column name(s): FTResolution, LMCorrection, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber renamed LMCorrectionppm to LMCorrection copied AGC to AGCMode calculated PrescanMode values missing column name(s): FTResolution, LMCorrection, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber renamed LMCorrectionppm to LMCorrection copied AGC to AGCMode calculated PrescanMode values missing column name(s): FTResolution, LMCorrection, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber renamed LMCorrectionppm to LMCorrection copied AGC to AGCMode calculated PrescanMode values missing column name(s): FTResolution, LMCorrection, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber missing column name(s): FTResolution, LMCorrection, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber renamed LMCorrectionppm to LMCorrection copied AGC to AGCMode calculated PrescanMode values renamed LMCorrectionppm to LMCorrection copied AGC to AGCMode calculated PrescanMode values missing column name(s): FTResolution, LMCorrection, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber renamed LMCorrectionppm to LMCorrection copied AGC to AGCMode calculated PrescanMode values missing column name(s): FTResolution, LMCorrection, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber renamed LMCorrectionppm to LMCorrection copied AGC to AGCMode calculated PrescanMode values missing column name(s): FTResolution, LMCorrection, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber renamed LMCorrectionppm to LMCorrection copied AGC to AGCMode calculated PrescanMode values missing column name(s): FTResolution, LMCorrection, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber renamed LMCorrectionppm to LMCorrection copied AGC to AGCMode calculated PrescanMode values missing column name(s): FTResolution, LMCorrection, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber renamed LMCorrectionppm to LMCorrection copied AGC to AGCMode calculated PrescanMode values missing column name(s): FTResolution, LMCorrection, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber renamed LMCorrectionppm to LMCorrection copied AGC to AGCMode calculated PrescanMode values executing mono /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rawDiag/exec/fgcz_raw.exe /srv/www/htdocs//p31378/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20230405/20230405_C31378_002_S491946_InterTest3_01.raw qc ... missing column name(s): FTResolution, LMCorrection, transient, AGCMode, PrescanMode NA values replaced in MasterScanNumber renamed LMCorrectionppm to LMCorrection copied AGC to AGCMode calculated PrescanMode values #rows are 437763 output$tic.basepeak <- renderPlot({ #rows are 437763 output$download 2... Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "project", isolate(input$project), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. output$tic.basepeak <- renderPlot({ #rows are 437763 output$download 2... output$tic.basepeak <- renderPlot({ #rows are 437763 output$download 2... output$tic.basepeak <- renderPlot({ #rows are 437763 output$download 2... ggsave to file /tmp/RtmpKTZYEj/rawDiag-2ab2207673317a.pdf generated pdf /tmp/RtmpKTZYEj/rawDiag-2ab2207673317a.pdf bfabricShiny::uploadResource ... The current plot is available as workunit 287886 #rows are 437763 output$download 1... Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "login", isolate(input$login), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "webservicepassword", isolate(input$webservicepassword), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. Warning in shinyStore::updateStore(session, "project", isolate(input$project), : Encryption requested, but the user is not authenticated. The encryption will be MUCH weaker without binding to a logged-in user. #rows are 437763 output$download 2... Execution halted