Listening on Loading required package: rawDiag Loading required package: bfabricShiny Attaching package: 'bfabricShiny' The following object is masked from 'package:base': save plotChargeState output$employee <- renderUI({ read bfabricposturl Warning in .read(login = login, webservicepassword = webservicepassword, : query failed. bfabricConnectionWorking FALSE saving 'login and webservicepassword' ... output$employee <- renderUI({ Warning in .read(login = login, webservicepassword = webservicepassword, : query failed. bfabricConnectionWorking FALSE output$employee <- renderUI({ bfabricConnectionWorking TRUE 'empdegree' found. saving 'login and webservicepassword' ... saving 'login and webservicepassword' ... saving 'login and webservicepassword' ... plotTicBasepeak resourcesSelected: /srv/www/htdocs//p36202/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20240830/20240830_C36202_002_S766284_CrVIA1-1_Group_1.raw, /srv/www/htdocs//p36202/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20240830/20240830_C36202_003_S766285_CrVIA1-2_Group_1.raw, /srv/www/htdocs//p36202/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20240830/20240830_C36202_004_S766286_AtVIA1_Group_2.raw vals$rawfile: /srv/www/htdocs//p36202/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20240830/20240830_C36202_002_S766284_CrVIA1-1_Group_1.raw, /srv/www/htdocs//p36202/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20240830/20240830_C36202_003_S766285_CrVIA1-2_Group_1.raw, /srv/www/htdocs//p36202/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20240830/20240830_C36202_004_S766286_AtVIA1_Group_2.raw reading index for 20240830_C36202_004_S766286_AtVIA1_Group_2.raw... reading index for 20240830_C36202_003_S766285_CrVIA1-2_Group_1.raw... reading index for 20240830_C36202_002_S766284_CrVIA1-1_Group_1.raw... saving 'login and webservicepassword' ... list(list(`_classname` = "workunit", `_id` = 313801, application = list(`_classname` = "application", `_id` = 225), container = list(`_classname` = "order", `_id` = 36202), created = "2024-09-03 10:41:33", createdby = "tobiasko", description = "input files:\np36202/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20240830/20240830_C36202_002_S766284_CrVIA1-1_Group_1.raw\np36202/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20240830/20240830_C36202_003_S766285_CrVIA1-2_Group_1.raw\np36202/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20240830/20240830_C36202_004_S766286_AtVIA1_Group_2.raw \n\nGenerated by Rpkg version 0.13.0.\nSystem information: Linux, 5.10.0-28-amd64, #1 SMP Debian 5.10.209-2 (2024-01-31), fgcz-c-072, x86_64, unknown, www-data, www-data\n\nTo help us funding further development, please cite:\n(bfabricSiny) PMID: 36073980 DOI: 10.1515/jib-2022-0031", exportable = "false", inputresource = list(list(`_classname` = "resource", `_id` = 2647182), list(`_classname` = "resource", `_id` = 2647181), list(`_classname` = "resource", `_id` = 2647180)), modified = "2024-09-03 10:41:33", modifiedby = "tobiasko", name = "plotTicBasepeak", status = "AVAILABLE"))list(list(`_classname` = "resource", `_id` = 2647462, container = list(`_classname` = "order", `_id` = 36202), created = "2024-09-03 10:41:33", createdby = "tobiasko", filechecksum = "3a9d4bc14979a6adafd46381d067629b", junk = "false", modified = "2024-09-03 10:41:33", modifiedby = "tobiasko", name = "WU313801-20240903-1041-rawDiag.pdf", relativepath = "container_36202/workunit_313801/WU313801-20240903-1041-rawDiag.pdf", size = "35204", status = "available", storage = list(`_classname` = "storage", `_id` = 10), uri = list("", "scp://localhost/export/bfabric/data/b-fabric-external-repo/container_36202/workunit_313801/WU313801-20240903-1041-rawDiag.pdf"), workunit = list(`_classname` = "workunit", `_id` = 313801))) The current plot is available as workunit 313801. Rendering actionButton to link workunit 313801 in B-Fabric. saving 'login and webservicepassword' ... plotPrecursorHeatmap Rendering actionButton to link workunit 313801 in B-Fabric. Warning: Failed to fit group 1. Caused by error in `gam.reparam()`: ! NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 3) Warning: Failed to fit group 1. Caused by error in `gam.reparam()`: ! NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 3) Warning: Failed to fit group 1. Caused by error in `gam.reparam()`: ! NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 3) plotLockMassCorrection Warning: Failed to fit group 1. Caused by error in `gam.reparam()`: ! NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 3) Warning: Failed to fit group 1. Caused by error in `gam.reparam()`: ! NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 3) Warning: Failed to fit group 1. Caused by error in `gam.reparam()`: ! NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 3) list(list(`_classname` = "workunit", `_id` = 313802, application = list(`_classname` = "application", `_id` = 225), container = list(`_classname` = "order", `_id` = 36202), created = "2024-09-03 10:42:08", createdby = "tobiasko", description = "input files:\np36202/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20240830/20240830_C36202_002_S766284_CrVIA1-1_Group_1.raw\np36202/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20240830/20240830_C36202_003_S766285_CrVIA1-2_Group_1.raw\np36202/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20240830/20240830_C36202_004_S766286_AtVIA1_Group_2.raw \n\nGenerated by Rpkg version 0.13.0.\nSystem information: Linux, 5.10.0-28-amd64, #1 SMP Debian 5.10.209-2 (2024-01-31), fgcz-c-072, x86_64, unknown, www-data, www-data\n\nTo help us funding further development, please cite:\n(bfabricSiny) PMID: 36073980 DOI: 10.1515/jib-2022-0031", exportable = "false", inputresource = list(list(`_classname` = "resource", `_id` = 2647182), list(`_classname` = "resource", `_id` = 2647181), list(`_classname` = "resource", `_id` = 2647180)), modified = "2024-09-03 10:42:08", modifiedby = "tobiasko", name = "plotLockMassCorrection", status = "AVAILABLE"))list(list(`_classname` = "resource", `_id` = 2647463, container = list(`_classname` = "order", `_id` = 36202), created = "2024-09-03 10:42:08", createdby = "tobiasko", filechecksum = "fd66cad0c33696d5401f6159756e11c0", junk = "false", modified = "2024-09-03 10:42:08", modifiedby = "tobiasko", name = "WU313802-20240903-1042-rawDiag.pdf", relativepath = "container_36202/workunit_313802/WU313802-20240903-1042-rawDiag.pdf", size = "14263", status = "available", storage = list(`_classname` = "storage", `_id` = 10), uri = list("", "scp://localhost/export/bfabric/data/b-fabric-external-repo/container_36202/workunit_313802/WU313802-20240903-1042-rawDiag.pdf"), workunit = list(`_classname` = "workunit", `_id` = 313802))) The current plot is available as workunit 313802. Rendering actionButton to link workunit 313802 in B-Fabric. plotInjectionTime Rendering actionButton to link workunit 313802 in B-Fabric. list(list(`_classname` = "workunit", `_id` = 313803, application = list(`_classname` = "application", `_id` = 225), container = list(`_classname` = "order", `_id` = 36202), created = "2024-09-03 10:42:44", createdby = "tobiasko", description = "input files:\np36202/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20240830/20240830_C36202_002_S766284_CrVIA1-1_Group_1.raw\np36202/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20240830/20240830_C36202_003_S766285_CrVIA1-2_Group_1.raw\np36202/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/analytic_20240830/20240830_C36202_004_S766286_AtVIA1_Group_2.raw \n\nGenerated by Rpkg version 0.13.0.\nSystem information: Linux, 5.10.0-28-amd64, #1 SMP Debian 5.10.209-2 (2024-01-31), fgcz-c-072, x86_64, unknown, www-data, www-data\n\nTo help us funding further development, please cite:\n(bfabricSiny) PMID: 36073980 DOI: 10.1515/jib-2022-0031", exportable = "false", inputresource = list(list(`_classname` = "resource", `_id` = 2647182), list(`_classname` = "resource", `_id` = 2647181), list(`_classname` = "resource", `_id` = 2647180)), modified = "2024-09-03 10:42:44", modifiedby = "tobiasko", name = "plotInjectionTime", status = "AVAILABLE"))list(list(`_classname` = "resource", `_id` = 2647464, container = list(`_classname` = "order", `_id` = 36202), created = "2024-09-03 10:42:45", createdby = "tobiasko", filechecksum = "55ee5ba864b44f6d14c212887585b82a", junk = "false", modified = "2024-09-03 10:42:45", modifiedby = "tobiasko", name = "WU313803-20240903-1042-rawDiag.pdf", relativepath = "container_36202/workunit_313803/WU313803-20240903-1042-rawDiag.pdf", size = "309351", status = "available", storage = list(`_classname` = "storage", `_id` = 10), uri = list("", "scp://localhost/export/bfabric/data/b-fabric-external-repo/container_36202/workunit_313803/WU313803-20240903-1042-rawDiag.pdf"), workunit = list(`_classname` = "workunit", `_id` = 313803))) The current plot is available as workunit 313803. Rendering actionButton to link workunit 313803 in B-Fabric. plotTicBasepeak Rendering actionButton to link workunit 313803 in B-Fabric. plotChargeState output$employee <- renderUI({ read bfabricposturl Warning in .read(login = login, webservicepassword = webservicepassword, : query failed. bfabricConnectionWorking FALSE saving 'login and webservicepassword' ... output$employee <- renderUI({ bfabricConnectionWorking TRUE 'empdegree' found. saving 'login and webservicepassword' ... Execution halted