Listening on Attaching package: 'shinydashboard' The following object is masked from 'package:graphics': box Loading required package: readr Loading required package: reshape2 Warning: In sliderInput(): `value` should be less than or equal to `max` (value = 0, 28, max = 11). Warning: In sliderInput(): `value` should be less than or equal to `max` (value = 0, 28, max = 11). Warning: In sliderInput(): `value` should be less than or equal to `max` (value = 0, 28, max = 11). Warning: In sliderInput(): `value` should be less than or equal to `max` (value = 0, 28, max = 11). Warning: In sliderInput(): `value` should be less than or equal to `max` (value = 0, 28, max = 11). /scratch/DIAQC/qc/dump/p33212/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/tobiasko_20231020/20231020_002_S580219_K562_incl_iRT_Group_1.raw Warning: In sliderInput(): `value` should be less than or equal to `max` (value = 0, 28, max = 11). Warning: In sliderInput(): `value` should be less than or equal to `max` (value = 0, 28, max = 11). /srv/www/htdocs//p33212/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/tobiasko_20231020/20231020_002_S580219_K562_incl_iRT_Group_1.raw /srv/www/htdocs//p27492/Proteomics/QEXACTIVE_2/analytic_20220214/20220214_C27492_009_autoQC4L.raw Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning: Error in .rawrrSystem2Source: Rcode file to parse does not exist. '/var/www/.cache/R/rawrr/rawrrassembly/rawrr.exe' failed for an unknown reason. Please check the debug files: /tmp/Rtmpr19Rmk/file259c4fbd020a5.stderr /tmp/Rtmpr19Rmk/file259c4f2ab8e4b1.stdout and the System Requirements 189: stop 188: .rawrrSystem2Source 187: rawrr::readChromatogram 186: [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#77] 184: .func 181: contextFunc 180: env$runWith 173: ctx$run 172: self$.updateValue 170: iRTprofileRawDDA 168: renderPlot [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#307] 166: func 126: drawPlot 112: 96: drawReactive 83: renderFunc 82: output$plotiRTDDAChromatograms 1: runApp Warning: Error in .rawrrSystem2Source: Rcode file to parse does not exist. '/var/www/.cache/R/rawrr/rawrrassembly/rawrr.exe' failed for an unknown reason. Please check the debug files: /tmp/Rtmpr19Rmk/file259c4fbd020a5.stderr /tmp/Rtmpr19Rmk/file259c4f2ab8e4b1.stdout and the System Requirements 193: 192: stop 191: iRTprofileRawDDA 186: [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#87] 184: .func 181: contextFunc 180: env$runWith 173: ctx$run 172: self$.updateValue 170: rtFittedAPEX 168: renderPlot [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#315] 166: func 126: drawPlot 112: 96: drawReactive 83: renderFunc 82: output$plotDDAiRTprofiles 1: runApp Warning: Error in .rawrrSystem2Source: Rcode file to parse does not exist. '/var/www/.cache/R/rawrr/rawrrassembly/rawrr.exe' failed for an unknown reason. Please check the debug files: /tmp/Rtmpr19Rmk/file259c4fbd020a5.stderr /tmp/Rtmpr19Rmk/file259c4f2ab8e4b1.stdout and the System Requirements 173: 172: stop 171: rtFittedAPEX 168: renderPlot [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#328] 166: func 126: drawPlot 112: 96: drawReactive 83: renderFunc 82: output$plotDDAiRTfits 1: runApp Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases /srv/www/htdocs//p33212/Proteomics/LUMOS_2/tobiasko_20231020/20231020_002_S580219_K562_incl_iRT_Group_1.raw /srv/www/htdocs//p29276/Proteomics/QEXACTIVE_2/chiawei_20220830/20220830_006_autoQC4L_01NBA.raw /srv/www/htdocs//p3000/Proteomics/QEXACTIVE_2/chiawei_20210921_newcolumn/20210921_C3000_004_autoQC4L.raw /srv/www/htdocs//p33212/Proteomics/EXPLORIS_2/tobiasko_20231020/20231020_002_S580219_K562_incl_iRT_Group_1.raw Warning: In sliderInput(): `value` should be less than or equal to `max` (value = 0, 28, max = 11). /srv/www/htdocs//p29276/Proteomics/QEXACTIVE_2/chiawei_20220830/20220830_006_autoQC4L_01NBA.raw /srv/www/htdocs//p3000/Proteomics/QEXACTIVE_2/chiawei_20200907_newColumn/20200907_04_autoQC4L.raw Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Warning in predict.lm(fit, data.frame(xc = xx)) : prediction from rank-deficient fit; attr(*, "non-estim") has doubtful cases Execution halted