Listening on Attaching package: 'shinydashboard' The following object is masked from 'package:graphics': box Loading required package: readr Loading required package: reshape2 Loading required package: lattice Loading required package: rawrr Loading required package: bfabricShiny Attaching package: 'bfabricShiny' The following object is masked from 'package:base': save Warning: Error in [: Can't subset rows with `filter`. ✖ Logical subscript `filter` must be size 1 or 24970, not 0. 155: 154: signalCondition 153: signal_abort 152: cnd_signal 151: 150: signalCondition 149: signal_abort 148: cnd_signal 147: stop_indicator_size 146: 145: vec_as_location 142: vectbl_as_row_location 141: vectbl_as_row_index 140: [.tbl_df 135: [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#156] 119: autoQC01Long 117: [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#373] 101: autoQC01Variables 97: renderUI [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#708] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$autoQC01Variable 1: runApp Warning: Error in [: Can't subset rows with `filter`. ✖ Logical subscript `filter` must be size 1 or 24970, not 0. 200: 199: stop 198: autoQC01Long 191: [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#161] 189: .func 186: contextFunc 185: env$runWith 178: ctx$run 177: self$.updateValue 175: autoQC01Data 168: renderPlot [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#761] 166: func 126: drawPlot 112: 96: drawReactive 83: renderFunc 82: output$autoQC01Plot 1: runApp r.squared;slope;intercept comet filter length: 0 comet filter length: 60 r.squared;slope;intercept Warning: Error in if: argument is of length zero 97: renderUI [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#581] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$fileOutput 1: runApp 'ThermoFisher.CommonCore.BackgroundSubtraction.dll' is missing. Warning: Error in .checkRawFileReaderDLLs: 'ThermoFisher.CommonCore.*.dll' files are not available on the system. Run 'rawrr::installRawFileReaderDLLs()' or setenv MONO_PATH to the location where the assemblies are located. For more information, type '?ThermoFisher'. 127: FUN 126: .checkRawFileReaderDLLs 125: .isAssemblyWorking 124: rawrr::readFileHeader 123: [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#232] 107: rawFileHeader 100: renderPrint [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#789] 99: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$rawFileHeader 1: runApp 'ThermoFisher.CommonCore.BackgroundSubtraction.dll' is missing. Warning: Error in .checkRawFileReaderDLLs: 'ThermoFisher.CommonCore.*.dll' files are not available on the system. Run 'rawrr::installRawFileReaderDLLs()' or setenv MONO_PATH to the location where the assemblies are located. For more information, type '?ThermoFisher'. 127: FUN 126: .checkRawFileReaderDLLs 125: .isAssemblyWorking 124: rawrr::readFileHeader 123: [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#232] 107: rawFileHeader 100: renderPrint [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#789] 99: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$rawFileHeader 1: runApp r.squared;slope;intercept Warning: Error in figure margins too large 130: 127: startPNG 126: drawPlot 112: 96: drawReactive 83: renderFunc 82: output$plotTIC 1: runApp Warning: Error in [: Can't subset rows with `filter`. ✖ Logical subscript `filter` must be size 1 or 24970, not 0. 155: 154: signalCondition 153: signal_abort 152: cnd_signal 151: 150: signalCondition 149: signal_abort 148: cnd_signal 147: stop_indicator_size 146: 145: vec_as_location 142: vectbl_as_row_location 141: vectbl_as_row_index 140: [.tbl_df 135: [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#156] 119: autoQC01Long 117: [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#373] 101: autoQC01Variables 97: renderUI [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#708] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$autoQC01Variable 1: runApp Warning: Error in [: Can't subset rows with `filter`. ✖ Logical subscript `filter` must be size 1 or 24970, not 0. 200: 199: stop 198: autoQC01Long 191: [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#161] 189: .func 186: contextFunc 185: env$runWith 178: ctx$run 177: self$.updateValue 175: autoQC01Data 168: renderPlot [/export/data01/scratch/DIAQC/qc/inst/shiny/fgczmsqc-dashboard/server.R#761] 166: func 126: drawPlot 112: 96: drawReactive 83: renderFunc 82: output$autoQC01Plot 1: runApp r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept comet filter length: 0 comet filter length: 45 r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept r.squared;slope;intercept comet filter length: 48 r.squared;slope;intercept Execution halted Warning message: agg could not write to the given file