Listening on Loading required package: bfabricShiny Attaching package: 'bfabricShiny' The following object is masked from 'package:base': save Loading required package: base64enc Loading required package: jsonlite Attaching package: 'jsonlite' The following object is masked from 'package:shiny': validate Loading required package: httr Loading required package: DT Attaching package: 'DT' The following objects are masked from 'package:shiny': dataTableOutput, renderDataTable Loading required package: dplyr Attaching package: 'dplyr' The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': filter, lag The following objects are masked from 'package:base': intersect, setdiff, setequal, union Loading required package: XML DEBUG read bfabricposturl http://localhost:5000/. read login pfeeder. DEBUG XCalibur read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. Container 3530 does not seem to have samples: Here's the original error message: Processed sample query for container: 3530 . Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 128: 127: signalCondition 123: message 122: value[[3L]] [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#255] 121: tryCatchOne 120: tryCatchList 117: tryCatchList 116: tryCatch 115: .getSampleAsDataFrame [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#231] 114: [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#279] 98: getSample 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#305] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 117: FUN [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#222] 116: lapply 114: [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#218] 98: getLogin 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#320] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$login 1: runApp DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG read bfabricposturl http://localhost:5000/. read login pfeeder. DEBUG XCalibur read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. Processed sample query for container: 3530 . DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. DEBUG XCalibur read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. Container 3530 does not seem to have samples: Here's the original error message: Processed sample query for container: 3530 . Warning: Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory: Failed to connect to port 5000: Connection refused 128: 127: signalCondition 123: message 122: value[[3L]] [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#255] 121: tryCatchOne 120: tryCatchList 117: tryCatchList 116: tryCatch 115: .getSampleAsDataFrame [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#231] 114: [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#279] 98: getSample 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#305] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory: Failed to connect to port 5000: Connection refused 123: curl::curl_fetch_memory 122: request_fetch.write_memory 120: request_perform 119: httr::POST 118: .read 117: bfabricShiny::readPages 114: [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#218] 98: getLogin 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#320] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$login 1: runApp DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. DEBUG XCalibur read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. Processed sample query for container: 3530 . DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG HyStar M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG XCalibur nanoElute54_54 Warning: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0 120: stop 119: data.frame 118: .autoQC 117: .autoQC01 116: generate_queue 115: bfabricShiny:::generate_queue_order 114: [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#381] 98: getBfabricContent 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#536] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$download 1: runApp Warning: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0 109: 108: stop 107: getBfabricContent 104: exprFunc 103: widgetFunc 102: :: htmlwidgets shinyRenderWidget 101: func 88: renderFunc 87: renderFunc 83: renderFunc 82: output$table 1: runApp DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG HyStar M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean DEBUG read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. DEBUG XCalibur read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. Processed sample query for container: 3530 . DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 Processed sample query for container: 29941 . Processed sample query for container: 30021 . Processed sample query for container: 30041 . Processed sample query for container: 30057 . DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 Processed sample query for container: 29941 . Processed sample query for container: 30021 . Processed sample query for container: 30041 . Processed sample query for container: 30057 . Processed sample query for container: 29941 . Processed sample query for container: 30021 . Processed sample query for container: 30041 . Processed sample query for container: 30057 . Processed sample query for container: 29941 . Processed sample query for container: 30021 . Processed sample query for container: 30041 . Processed sample query for container: 30057 . Processed sample query for container: 29941 . Processed sample query for container: 30021 . Processed sample query for container: 30041 . Processed sample query for container: 30057 . Processed sample query for container: 3000 . DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 Warning: Error in :: argument of length 0 122: [.data.frame 120: get_tray_2_48_plates 119: get_tray_waters 118: getHPLCparameter 117: .tray_position 116: generate_queue 115: bfabricShiny:::generate_queue_order 114: [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#381] 98: getBfabricContent 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#536] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$download 1: runApp Warning: Error in :: argument of length 0 109: 108: stop 107: getBfabricContent 104: exprFunc 103: widgetFunc 102: :: htmlwidgets shinyRenderWidget 101: func 88: renderFunc 87: renderFunc 83: renderFunc 82: output$table 1: runApp DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 Processed sample query for container: 3530 . DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 Processed sample query for container: 3000 . Processed sample query for container: 3066 . Processed sample query for container: 30660 . DEBUG HyStar M-CLASS48_48 Processed sample query for container: 3066 . Processed sample query for container: 30666 . DEBUG HyStar M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG HyStar M-CLASS48_48 DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG table_rows_current, folder, end1, targets, table_cell_clicked, method, QC02o, instrumentControlSoftware, instrument, table_state, area, QC01m, autoQC01, startposition, cleano, table_rows_selected, table_columns_selected, QC02m, lcSystem, start2, replicates, end2, sample, start1, QC4Lm, table_rows_all, login, containerType, autoQC4L, autoQC02, table_cells_selected, project, QC01o, testmethods, end3, start3, QC4Lo, generate, table_search, cleanm, clean Execution halted