Listening on Loading required package: bfabricShiny Attaching package: 'bfabricShiny' The following object is masked from 'package:base': save Loading required package: base64enc Loading required package: jsonlite Attaching package: 'jsonlite' The following object is masked from 'package:shiny': validate Loading required package: httr Loading required package: DT Attaching package: 'DT' The following objects are masked from 'package:shiny': dataTableOutput, renderDataTable Loading required package: dplyr Attaching package: 'dplyr' The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': filter, lag The following objects are masked from 'package:base': intersect, setdiff, setequal, union Loading required package: XML System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 debug output$download values$wuid= Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument Warning: Error in if: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed 125: .insertStandardsLoop 124: .insertStandardsEVOSEP 114: [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#507] 98: getBfabricContent 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#603] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$download 1: runApp Warning: Error in if: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed 109: 108: stop 107: getBfabricContent 104: exprFunc 103: widgetFunc 102: :: htmlwidgets shinyRenderWidget 101: func 88: renderFunc 87: renderFunc 83: renderFunc 82: output$table 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing HyStar XML MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb9542f17df.xml ... Warning in xmlRoot.XMLInternalDocument(currentNodes[[1]]) : empty XML document Saving XML ... containerid = 35148 DEBUG: wuid= DEBUG: rv wuid=303179 DEBUG: wuid=303179 debug output$download values$wuid=303179 debug output$download values$wuid=303179 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=303179 debug output$download values$wuid=303179 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb95c5f00a6.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 35113 debug output$download values$wuid=303202 debug output$download values$wuid=303202 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb96d388304.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 35113 debug output$download values$wuid=303207 debug output$download values$wuid=303207 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 Warning: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0 129: stop 128: data.frame 127: .autoQC 126: .autoQC01 125: generate_queue 124: bfabricShiny:::generate_queue_order 123: [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#418] 107: getBfabricContent 104: exprFunc 103: widgetFunc 102: :: htmlwidgets shinyRenderWidget 101: func 88: renderFunc 87: renderFunc 83: renderFunc 82: output$table 1: runApp Warning: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0 100: 99: stop 98: getBfabricContent 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#603] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$download 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 Warning: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0 129: stop 128: data.frame 127: .autoQC 126: .autoQC01 125: generate_queue 124: bfabricShiny:::generate_queue_order 123: [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#418] 107: getBfabricContent 104: exprFunc 103: widgetFunc 102: :: htmlwidgets shinyRenderWidget 101: func 88: renderFunc 87: renderFunc 83: renderFunc 82: output$table 1: runApp Warning: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0 100: 99: stop 98: getBfabricContent 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#603] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$download 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb9c2c8d5f.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 33927 debug output$download values$wuid=303208 debug output$download values$wuid=303208 System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 Warning: Error in [[: subscript out of bounds 127: 126: .generate_template_base 125: generate_queue 124: bfabricShiny:::generate_queue_order 123: [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#418] 107: getBfabricContent 104: exprFunc 103: widgetFunc 102: :: htmlwidgets shinyRenderWidget 101: func 88: renderFunc 87: renderFunc 83: renderFunc 82: output$table 1: runApp Warning: Error in [[: subscript out of bounds 100: 99: stop 98: getBfabricContent 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#603] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$download 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid=303208 System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid=303208 debug output$download values$wuid=303208 System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid=303208 debug output$download values$wuid=303208 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb944bf3b98.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 35083 debug output$download values$wuid=303209 debug output$download values$wuid=303209 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb975ff1178.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 33927 containerid = 35083 debug output$download values$wuid=303210 debug output$download values$wuid=303210 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb98b81d87.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 35114 debug output$download values$wuid=303216 debug output$download values$wuid=303216 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb959621c11.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 35147 debug output$download values$wuid=303217 debug output$download values$wuid=303217 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 Warning: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0 129: stop 128: data.frame 127: .autoQC 126: .autoQC01 125: generate_queue 124: bfabricShiny:::generate_queue_order 123: [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#418] 107: getBfabricContent 104: exprFunc 103: widgetFunc 102: :: htmlwidgets shinyRenderWidget 101: func 88: renderFunc 87: renderFunc 83: renderFunc 82: output$table 1: runApp Warning: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0 100: 99: stop 98: getBfabricContent 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#603] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$download 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 Warning: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0 129: stop 128: data.frame 127: .autoQC 126: .autoQC01 125: generate_queue 124: bfabricShiny:::generate_queue_order 123: [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#418] 107: getBfabricContent 104: exprFunc 103: widgetFunc 102: :: htmlwidgets shinyRenderWidget 101: func 88: renderFunc 87: renderFunc 83: renderFunc 82: output$table 1: runApp Warning: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0 100: 99: stop 98: getBfabricContent 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#603] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$download 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics HyStar debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing HyStar XML MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb978e11088.xml ... Warning in xmlRoot.XMLInternalDocument(currentNodes[[1]]) : empty XML document Saving XML ... containerid = 35096 DEBUG: wuid= DEBUG: rv wuid=303277 DEBUG: wuid=303277 debug output$download values$wuid=303277 debug output$download values$wuid=303277 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=303277 debug output$download values$wuid=303277 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=303277 debug output$download values$wuid=303277 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=303277 debug output$download values$wuid=303277 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=303277 debug output$download values$wuid=303277 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics HyStar debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 debug output$download values$wuid= Warning in ``(...) : NAs introduced by coercion Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, table_row_last_clicked, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, table_row_last_clicked, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, table_row_last_clicked, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, table_row_last_clicked, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing HyStar XML MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb9571faa61.xml ... Warning in xmlRoot.XMLInternalDocument(currentNodes[[1]]) : empty XML document Saving XML ... containerid = 35096 DEBUG: wuid= DEBUG: rv wuid=303278 DEBUG: wuid=303278 debug output$download values$wuid=303278 debug output$download values$wuid=303278 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, table_row_last_clicked, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=303278 debug output$download values$wuid=303278 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb92edf886f.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 30061 debug output$download values$wuid=303317 debug output$download values$wuid=303317 System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb91869cbda.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 3127 debug output$download values$wuid=303318 debug output$download values$wuid=303318 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 Warning: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0 129: stop 128: data.frame 127: .autoQC 126: .autoQC01 125: generate_queue 124: bfabricShiny:::generate_queue_order 123: [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#418] 107: getBfabricContent 104: exprFunc 103: widgetFunc 102: :: htmlwidgets shinyRenderWidget 101: func 88: renderFunc 87: renderFunc 83: renderFunc 82: output$table 1: runApp Warning: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0 100: 99: stop 98: getBfabricContent 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#603] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$download 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 Warning: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0 129: stop 128: data.frame 127: .autoQC 126: .autoQC01 125: generate_queue 124: bfabricShiny:::generate_queue_order 123: [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#418] 107: getBfabricContent 104: exprFunc 103: widgetFunc 102: :: htmlwidgets shinyRenderWidget 101: func 88: renderFunc 87: renderFunc 83: renderFunc 82: output$table 1: runApp Warning: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0 100: 99: stop 98: getBfabricContent 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#603] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$download 1: runApp System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb91c9f0b9.csv ... 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System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb9948e02a.csv ... 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System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb96b5937c3.csv ... 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System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb967004686.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 35180 debug output$download values$wuid=303471 debug output$download values$wuid=303471 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb9f217e96.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 34994 debug output$download values$wuid=303474 debug output$download values$wuid=303474 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb95b12e0fc.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 35159 debug output$download values$wuid=303489 debug output$download values$wuid=303489 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 Warning: Error in if: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed 127: .autoQC 126: .autoQC01 125: generate_queue 124: bfabricShiny:::generate_queue_order 123: [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#418] 107: getBfabricContent 104: exprFunc 103: widgetFunc 102: :: htmlwidgets shinyRenderWidget 101: func 88: renderFunc 87: renderFunc 83: renderFunc 82: output$table 1: runApp Warning: Error in if: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed 100: 99: stop 98: getBfabricContent 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#603] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$download 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb9251b682d.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 35139 debug output$download values$wuid=303490 debug output$download values$wuid=303490 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing HyStar XML MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb949d7b29d.xml ... Warning in xmlRoot.XMLInternalDocument(currentNodes[[1]]) : empty XML document Saving XML ... containerid = 35190 containerid = 34968 DEBUG: wuid= DEBUG: rv wuid=303491 DEBUG: wuid=303491 debug output$download values$wuid=303491 debug output$download values$wuid=303491 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=303491 debug output$download values$wuid=303491 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=303491 debug output$download values$wuid=303491 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 debug output$download values$wuid=303491 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=303491 debug output$download values$wuid=303491 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=303491 debug output$download values$wuid=303491 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=303491 debug output$download values$wuid=303491 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=303491 debug output$download values$wuid=303491 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing HyStar XML MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb95d495b92.xml ... Warning in xmlRoot.XMLInternalDocument(currentNodes[[1]]) : empty XML document Saving XML ... containerid = 35190 DEBUG: wuid= DEBUG: rv wuid=303493 DEBUG: wuid=303493 debug output$download values$wuid=303493 debug output$download values$wuid=303493 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=303493 debug output$download values$wuid=303493 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 debug output$download values$wuid=303493 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 debug output$download values$wuid=303493 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 debug output$download values$wuid=303493 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing HyStar XML MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb923404af5.xml ... Warning in xmlRoot.XMLInternalDocument(currentNodes[[1]]) : empty XML document Saving XML ... containerid = 35190 DEBUG: wuid= DEBUG: rv wuid=303494 DEBUG: wuid=303494 debug output$download values$wuid=303494 debug output$download values$wuid=303494 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=303494 debug output$download values$wuid=303494 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument Warning: Error in $< replacement has 1 row, data has 0 137: stop 136: $< 134: .insertStandardsEVOSEP 123: [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#507] 107: getBfabricContent 104: exprFunc 103: widgetFunc 102: :: htmlwidgets shinyRenderWidget 101: func 88: renderFunc 87: renderFunc 83: renderFunc 82: output$table 1: runApp Warning: Error in $< replacement has 1 row, data has 0 100: 99: stop 98: getBfabricContent 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#603] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$download 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 debug output$download values$wuid=303494 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=303494 debug output$download values$wuid=303494 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=303494 debug output$download values$wuid=303494 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing HyStar XML MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb95190c9bb.xml ... Warning in xmlRoot.XMLInternalDocument(currentNodes[[1]]) : empty XML document Saving XML ... containerid = 34968 DEBUG: wuid= DEBUG: rv wuid=303495 DEBUG: wuid=303495 debug output$download values$wuid=303495 debug output$download values$wuid=303495 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=303495 debug output$download values$wuid=303495 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Metabolomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Metabolomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Metabolomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb94cda29b3.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 31230 debug output$download values$wuid=303499 debug output$download values$wuid=303499 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb97155a402.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 35195 containerid = 35197 debug output$download values$wuid=303500 debug output$download values$wuid=303500 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb919ab668e.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 35195 debug output$download values$wuid=303514 debug output$download values$wuid=303514 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb91e893133.csv ... 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System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors 101: paste0 97: renderUI [/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bfabricShiny/shiny/queue_generator10/server.R#347] 96: func 83: renderFunc 82: output$sample 1: runApp System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/RtmpOjC6dK/file31feb97b47f909.csv ... 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