Listening on Loading required package: bfabricShiny Attaching package: 'bfabricShiny' The following object is masked from 'package:base': save Loading required package: base64enc Loading required package: jsonlite Attaching package: 'jsonlite' The following object is masked from 'package:shiny': validate Loading required package: httr Loading required package: DT Attaching package: 'DT' The following objects are masked from 'package:shiny': dataTableOutput, renderDataTable Loading required package: dplyr Attaching package: 'dplyr' The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': filter, lag The following objects are masked from 'package:base': intersect, setdiff, setequal, union Loading required package: XML System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics HyStar debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing HyStar XML MS configuration file /tmp/Rtmp2uAMxc/file10345d22146c81.xml ... Warning in xmlRoot.XMLInternalDocument(currentNodes[[1]]) : empty XML document Saving XML ... containerid = 36315 DEBUG: wuid= DEBUG: rv wuid=315371 DEBUG: wuid=315371 debug output$download values$wuid=315371 debug output$download values$wuid=315371 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=315371 debug output$download values$wuid=315371 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics HyStar debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar nanoElute54_54 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing HyStar XML MS 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Warning in xmlRoot.XMLInternalDocument(currentNodes[[1]]) : empty XML document Saving XML ... containerid = 36316 DEBUG: wuid= DEBUG: rv wuid=315372 DEBUG: wuid=315372 debug output$download values$wuid=315372 debug output$download values$wuid=315372 System configuration: Proteomics HyStar EVOSEP1x12x8 DEBUG container, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3, QC01m, QC01o, QC02m, QC02o, QC4Lm, QC4Lo, cleanm, cleano, startposition, targets, sample, login, table_cell_clicked, table_search, table_state, table_rows_all, table_rows_current, table_cells_selected, table_columns_selected, table_rows_selected, clean, autoQC4L, autoQC02, autoQC01, containerType, method, instrumentControlSoftware, acquisitionType, area, folder, testmethods, replicates, download, generate, lcSystem, instrument debug output$download values$wuid=315372 debug output$download values$wuid=315372 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. 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Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 36258 containerid = 36302 debug output$download values$wuid=315378 debug output$download values$wuid=315378 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/Rtmp2uAMxc/file10345d19677454.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 35849 debug output$download values$wuid=315420 debug output$download values$wuid=315420 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/Rtmp2uAMxc/file10345d352554.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 28115 debug output$download values$wuid=315452 debug output$download values$wuid=315452 System configuration: debug output$download values$wuid= read bfabricposturl read login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur debug output$download values$wuid= read webservicepassword for login pfeeder. System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= System configuration: Proteomics XCalibur M-CLASS48_48 debug output$download values$wuid= debug output$download values$wuid= Composing XCalibur MS configuration file /tmp/Rtmp2uAMxc/file10345d1982d066.csv ... Warning in write.table(res, file = fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, : appending column names to file containerid = 36367 debug output$download values$wuid=315506 debug output$download values$wuid=315506 Execution halted